


Safe(er) slamming

In the chemsex scene, slamming is becoming more common. Chems like Tina (crystal meth), 3-MMC, ketamine, cocaine, mephedrone and other (new) substances are inserted with a needle before or during sex.

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Safer sex

Chems and Consent

Using chems can reduce your inhibitions. This is (for some) part of the reason for engaging in chemsex. One risk of using chems (especially ‘G’) is becoming unconscious when overdosed.

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In case of emergency

In most cases, the use of chems is related to pleasure, however, (mis)use can sometimes provoke side effects that can lead to serious intoxications.

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Harm reduction

How do you handle the comedown?

Keep in mind that it is normal to feel a little down in the days following a chem event. This is because the chems have caused your brain to reject most of the feel-good chemicals

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Safer chem use

Despite the many positive effects that chems produce, chems can cause side effects that can lead to acute intoxications with serious complications (or even death).

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